13. Progress and Performance Evaluations

13. Progress and Performance Evaluations

13.1 Academic Performance

The department of Plant Pathology follows the Graduate Studies guidelines regarding satisfactory progress in terms of grades and GPA.

  1. A minimum grade of "B" is required for graduate credit in 800-level courses with 400 or lower counterparts within the student's major department or area. A grade of “B-” is not acceptable.
  2. A minimum grade of "C" or "P" (Pass) is required for graduate credit in 800-level courses in minor, collateral, or supporting areas of work. A grade of “C-” is not acceptable. Note: A grade of “B-” or lower received in a minor course will result in a minor comprehensive exam being required.
  3. A minimum grade of "C" or "P" (Pass) is required for graduate credit in 900-level courses or 800-level courses without 400 or lower counterparts.

When applied toward an advanced degree program, only courses at the 900-level or 800-level without 400 or lower counterparts, in the major department or interdepartmental area, may be taken on a pass/no pass basis. In minor, collateral, or supporting areas of work, 800-level courses with 400 or lower counterparts can be taken on a pass/no pass basis.

A student failing to receive a minimum acceptable grade for graduate-level credit may not continue his or her program of studies without permission of the Supervisory Committee or the PPGC, which may require a special examination to determine the student's qualifications for further work.

13.2 Annual Progress Reports

Annual progress reports are requested from all graduate students whose Faculty Advisor is in the Department of Plant Pathology and require review by the student’s Supervisory Committee, the PPGC, and department head. Progress reports can also be an effective tool for documenting achievements, receiving feedback from your committee and advisor, and planning your work for the coming year. Satisfactory progress in the program is also used in determining eligibility for GRA support.

  1. You, as the student, are responsible for preparing your annual report according to instructions on the Annual Report Form (available on the Department website and also from the Graduate Coordinator). Following which, you should send it to your Faculty Advisor for preliminary review and approval of the final draft.
  2. You are subsequently responsible for emailing the final draft of your annual progress report to your Faculty Advisor, Committee Members, and to the Graduate Coordinator no later than March 1st.
  3. Your committee members are to send their comments within two weeks to your Faculty Advisor and you are responsible for sending reminders to the committee members to complete their review of your file.
  4. After the committee’s review is complete, you should schedule a meeting with your Faculty Advisor to discuss reviews received by the committee members and to discuss the Faculty Advisor’s review.
  5. You should submit signed review forms to the Graduate Coordinator no later than April 2nd, confirming that the student and Faculty Advisor discussed the reviews and comments.
  6. Following submission, the Graduate Coordinator conducts a pre-review of files and calls a meeting of the PPGC to conduct a formal review.
  7. Follow-up with the student may be made by the Graduate Coordinator, PPGC, and/or Department Head regarding recommendations for continued progress and success.

13.3 Probation and Termination


For all graduate students at UNL, probation or termination recommendations may be made under the following conditions:

  • Failure to make academic progress as defined in the program’s graduate student handbook
  • Violations of the Student Code of Conduct or the Plant Pathology Code of Conduct (above)
  • Failure to satisfy Scholastic Grade Requirements
  • Failure in qualifying examinations, preliminary examinations, comprehensive examinations, or final degree examinations
  • Failure to master the methodology and content of one’s field in a manner that is sufficient to complete a successful thesis or dissertation
  • In fields leading to licensure or certification, ethical misconduct or lack of professional promise in the professional field
  • Failure to satisfy the conditions required for removal of probationary status or provisional admission


How It Happens: Graduate students who do not maintain satisfactory progress may be placed on probation, terminated from a degree or certificate program, and/or denied permission to continue graduate studies in the University.

  1. After discussion with the student, probation or termination is initiated when the student's advisor or Supervisory Committee submits a recommendation to the PPGC.
  2. If the PPGC approves a recommendation for termination, the Chair of the PPGC must communicate it in writing to the Dean for Graduate Studies and the student.

  After Termination or Dismissal

Students dismissed from the University due to violations of the Student Code of Conduct are ineligible to reapply for graduate study at UNL. Students whose UNL graduate program has been terminated may apply for admission to another degree program or admission as a non-degree seeking student only with the approval of the dean for Graduate Studies.