Faculty Featured: Tony Adesemoye

Tony Adesemoye
Monday, November 2, 2015

CONTROLLING PATHOGENS IN SOIL: the basics of protecting crops

 Tony Adesemoye calls soil pathogens “silent yield robbers,” because they are stealing crop yield. Adesemoye is cropping systems disease management specialist at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln West Central Research and Extension Center (WCREC) in North Platte, Neb.
 Most of the organisms in the soil are not intentionally causing harm; they simply interact with the roots of the crops while they are belowground looking for something to eat, Adesemoye explained.
 Each gram of soil contains millions of microorganisms and some of those organisms are considered pathogens. A pathogen is defined as a “disease carrying agent” and is most commonly identified as a virus, bacteria or fungi.

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