News & Jobs Page

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Awardees from APS 2016 North Central Division meeting

Nick Arneson, Nikita Gambhir and Kelsie Musil received Travel Award from 2016 meeting of APS North Central Division. 

Kyle Broderick, assistant extension educator in the Department of Plant Pathology at the University of Nebraska and coordinator of the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, wins first place for his Oral Presentation.

Nikita Gambhir, Ph.D. Student under Dr. Sydney Everhart, wins third place for her poster presented.

Kelsie Musil, MS student in Plant Pathology, wins second place for her poster presented.

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Josh Miller, Nicole Bacheller received APS Foundation Travel Award

Josh Miller received Browning Plant Medicine and Health Travel Award. This graduate student travel award, established by the generous gift from Past President J. Artie Browning and his wife, Arra, was established specifically to assist graduate students majoring in a doctor of plant medicine or the doctor of plant health program to attend and participate in a professional meeting or conference appropriate to their interests. 

Nicole Bacheller received Gustaaf A. and Ineke C. M. de Zoeten Student Travel Award at the annual APS meeting. 

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Dr. Sydney Everhart awarded APS Foundation Recognition

Dr. Sydney Everhart awarded the APS Schroth Faces of the Future Award in Epidemiology and gave an invited presentation at the Schroth Symposium at the APS national meeting.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Awardees of student travel fund

Guangchao Sun, Josh Miller and Raquel Rocha recieved David H. & Anne E. Larrick Student Travel Fund Award to attend the Annual meeting of Resilience Emerging from Scarcity and Abundance at Phoenis, AZ


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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Winners of Milton E. Mohr 2016-2017 Fellowship in Agriculture

Margarita Marroquin-Guzman, Joshua Miller, karen Ferreira Da Silva and guangchao Sun were selected for Milton E. Mohr 2016-2017 Fellowship on their academic performance and potential for accomplishments in their specific field. 


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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Plant Path presenters of Spring 2017 Research Fair

Advisors: John DeLong, James Van Etten, Kyle Hoagland and David Dunigan
“Chlorovirus Amplification by Some Predators Foraging on Endosymbiotic Containing Paramecia”

Advisor: Sydney Everhart
“Whole Genome Sequencing for Analysis of Fungicide-exposed ‘Sclerotinia sclerotiorum’”

Advisor: Richard Wilson
“The Fungal Nitrooxidative Stress Response Suppresses Rice Innate Immunity During Blast”


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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dr. Deepti Nigan joined Dr. Hernan Garcia-Ruiz group.

Dr. Deepti Nigan joined Dr. Hernan Garcia-Ruiz group as a Postdoctoral researcher to work on Bioinformatics approaches to small RNA profiling.


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Friday, September 1, 2017

Dr. Jane Wamaitha Mwathi awarded a USDA Borlaug Fellowship.

Dr. Jane Wamaitha Mwathi from Biosciences East and Central Africa in Kenya was awarded a USDA Borlaug Fellowship to study viruses causing Maize lethal necrosis in Dr. Hernan Garcia-Ruiz lab.


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Monday, November 6, 2017

Jerry Weiland visits PLPT

Dr. Jerry Weiland visited the Department of Plant Pathology November 6 as a invited 2017 Fall Seminar Series speaker. Dr. Weiland is a Research Plant Pathologist in the USDA/ARS Horticultural Crops Research Unit, Oregon State University at Corvallis.

His seminar was titled "Diversity Matters: Exploring the consequences of Pythium diversity in forest nurseries." Weiland met with faculty and students during his stay for further discussion during meals and appointments.  

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Friday, October 27, 2017

Check for Dectes Stem Borer Damage in Soybeans

Robert Wright - Extension Entomologist | Justin McMechan - Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist | Kyle Broderick - Coordinator of the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

We have received several reports of stem breakage caused by Dectes stem borer in eastern Nebraska. In some cases, these fields were not previously known to be infested with Dectes beetles.

Dectes has been expanding its range in Nebraska soybeans. Most commonly it has been found damaging soybeans in south central Nebraska, but it has been expanding to the east, west, and north.

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