What is a Sample?

A sample should consist of enough representative material (plant or insect), usually from the same source, so that an accurate diagnosis can be made. Samples from separate sources representative of different problems or pests constitute several samples.

General Tips

  • Fill out the sample submission form with as much information as you can.
  • Provide plenty of plant material.  When possible send the entire plant, including roots and top growth.
  • Provide freshly collected specimens.
  • Be sure the specimens represents the problem.
  • Include enough plant material to show all stages of the disease from healthy to very sick.  Wrap plant specimens in paper towels or clean newspaper.
  • DO NOT add moisture.  Pack loosely in a plastic bag to reduce drying. Mail in a sturdy container

For more information regarding insect submission or specific plant submission, please refer to NebGuide G2227: Landscape and Garden Plants Sample Submission to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

The UNL P&PDC can provide support for:

  • Insects
  • Plant Identification
  • Chemical Injury
  • Corn Nematode Soil Samples
  • Field Crops
  • Herbaceous Plants
  • Turf
  • Woody Plants

Email us for specific questions, or call 402-472-2559

Mailing your sample

  • Your sample should be placed in a crush-proof box or padded envelope.
  • Include your Specimen ID Form and sample fee.
  • Important! If your sample is subject to deterioration, do not mail it any later than Wednesday afternoon.

Send samples to:
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic
1875 N 38th St
448 Plant Sciences
Lincoln, NE 68583-0722